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Craving Quest is an uncensored hentai game.Porn Games Android Brings Interactive Kinks On Your Phone Take this crazy trip with them and get to know new sexy heroes, and help them to rescue the Realms, which are seriously endangered! Get your hot heroes together to face up to the bosses in battle! Pick whether you want to attack or to shield when you go up against other players! You can choose from elves, dwarves, mermaids, hellhounds, robots, and many others to make up your own perfect team! More than 100 original seductive characters with hentai mode! All the ultra-sexy characters can be upgraded, and they all have their own specific skills to bring to the battle! And also they have uncensored Hentai Visual Novels with - unveil the most taboo fantasies of your heroines by unblocking all their secret bonuses. A trio of travellers from Alta Milan have been whisked to Sky Island, home to the Elves and Dragon Rider. The Elements have been touched by Darkness, and there are monsters crowding around, ready to attack the Realms. The Goddess of Genesis, Vanessa, is fast asleep, in the village of Alta Milan, far from the Realms of Elements, or so goes the legend.