Screenshot showing separate Plan and Actual worksheets 3. This still doesn't provide a good solution for easily comparing planned and actual dates, though. Of course, these worksheets will be entirely independent, but it's an easy solution for keeping a copy of the original project plan. You can make a copy of the Gantt Chart worksheet within the same workbook and rename the worksheets GanttChart-Actual and GanttChart-Plan (see the image below). Make a Copy of the Gantt Chart Worksheet and Rename It You can view files side-by-side or compare printouts. Keeping a backup is always a good idea, and this is the most basic approach for keeping a record of the original plan. Keep a Backup Copy of the Original Project Plan The simple answer is "yes, depending on how you want to show the difference." In this post, I'll explain how you can do this using the new version of the Gantt Chart Template Pro that makes it easy to see visually.

I was recently asked if my Gantt Chart Template could be used to compare actual dates to original project dates. ◄ Return to the Gantt Chart Template Page